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Cold Pressed Groundnut Oil 1 Ltr

Cold Pressed Groundnut Oil 1 Ltr

₹700.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹599.00बिक्री मूल्य

Oil extracted slowly from quality groundnuts using cold press methods


  • Maintain heart health
  • Control Cholestrol
  • Omega 6
  • Better skin health


Launching Soon

Groundnut oil Cold Pressed contains a high amount of vitamin E. One tablespoon of groundnut oil contains about 11% of the daily recommended vitamin E intake. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound having some vital functions for the body. Vitamin E works as an excellent antioxidant for the body, which protects against free radical damage. Free radicals are the primary cause of extensive cellular damage, which may cause chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Besides, Vitamin E is an excellent immunity booster that could shield the body from viruses and bacteria. It is excellent for the formation of red blood cells, prevents blood clotsand cell signaling.

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